The Psychology of Citation: Understanding Citations in Context

The Psychology of Citation: Understanding Citations in Context

Citation context analysis is a novel approach to analysing the impact of a piece of scholarly work that goes beyond simple numbers of citations received by a paper. It can "help scholars discover and explain a specific and detailed level—how crucial aspects are used by and distributed from an original text to subsequent citing works."

These days, a number of technologies provide citation context analysis, which examines the citation statements to provide information about how your work is mention. By using sentiment analysis or trained machine learning models, these tools mine data from the citation statements to investigate the authors' intention when it comes to citations. The citation type or category can be categorised using the data that has been analysed to show how your work has influenced the cited work.

Currently, Namely Semantic Scholar and Scite are the two main systems that offer citation context analysis as of the date the author published this essay. However, if you hire Dissertation Proposal Help online you will not have to look for these guides.

1. Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar is a free AI-powered scientific literature research tool. Semantic Scholar is able to give you additional context about your citations, whereas other conventional tools merely display the total number of citations and handle each citation equally:

Background Citations, Methods Citations, and Results Citations are the three main categories into which citations are divided.

Identifying major citations in the literature, or the quantity of citing publications that the cited article significantly influences, is what is meant to be conveyed by Highly Influential Citations. Out of the 18,493 total citations, as the example above illustrates, this publication garnered 1,051 very influential citations. A machine-learning algorithm is used to identify influential citations by examining several parameters, such as the quantity of citations to a particular article and the context in which each is cited. You can read more about Semantic Scholar's methodology in "Identifying Meaningful Citations."

All you have to do is register for a personal account on Semantic Scholar in order to search through the platform's indexed articles and investigate the impact of your academic work using citation context analysis. As of right now, the platform has indexed more than 205 million papers.

Another platform that makes use of a deep learning model that has been trained to distinguish between three types of citation claims is Scite Scite. These statements include those that reference the cited study but do not offer any evidence to support or contradict it. Many Dissertation Formatting Service also support these sites.

HKU authors can further develop customised dashboards to analyse in which section of the citing articles your work is being mentioned under the HKU Libraries' subscription to Scite.

2. Scholarcy

Scholarcy is an AI-powered article summarizer that, in contrast to Semantic Scholar and Scite, scans the references in the research articles, reports, and book chapters you've chosen and examines the citation styles and context. Put differently, Scholarcy reveals how a target paper is citing others, whereas Semantic Scholar and Scite offer insights into how a target publication is being cited.

The primary function of Scholarcy is to read a paper that you have chosen or submitted, then split it up into manageable chunks that highlight the key points. Its analysis consists of more than just the references included in the target publication. A few sample contexts that are taken from the summary are displayed below:

  • Important Ideas
  • Tables
  • Figures
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Limitations
  • Funding details
  • Section on Ethics References


Overall, because the citation context analysis offered by the aforementioned tools differs, it is advised to use Semantic Scholars and Scite to assess the significance of a paper you or a specific author wrote, and Scholarcy—as well as Web of Science soon—to analyse papers of interest when conducting a literature review.


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